International engagements lead to enrolments
Japanese education providers and students are booking Whanganui visits following successful international education engagements with local secondary schools.
Techweek 2021 will give the public a close look at the technology that is improving our lives now and innovation holding promise for the future.
Whanganui businesses have a good reputation for their uptake of technology and innovation and a number of local businesses are set to share this knowledge at Techweek 2021.
The nationwide series of events showcasing innovation in New Zealand establishes a platform to meet, share ideas and create connections with others interested in technology and innovation.
Whanganui & Partners is facilitating Techweek in the Manawatū-Whanganui region and is pleased to announce nine events have already been submitted, with the submissions deadline now extended due to Techweek’s popularity.
These nine innovation events are set for Whanganui, taking place from 22 – 30 May:
This event features high school teachers and Year 10 students who are studying science, technology or commerce.
A representative from each of four food and fibre sectors will outline an issue their industry faces and the students, in teams of four, will work on problem solving a challenge through innovation.
Each sector expert is on hand for advice and has five teams to work with.
At this public talk and catered event, participants are invited to hear from speaker Rafael Kargren.
Rafael is seasoned entrepreneur, telecom and space executive, founder of New Zealand’s Earth Observation Group (NZEOG) and Aerospace Centre (AC).
He has extensive background in satellite earth observation, building remote sensing applications and data management tools. In his role, he has led engagement with key project stakeholders and governments in many countries, including Pacific Islands.
Rafael’s passion lies in translating remote sensing observations of the environment into actionable information with focus on sustainability and analysing long term human impact on the environment.
Rafael has been involved in many international initiatives to improve humanitarian action and disaster response. He brought Copernicus Data Hub to New Zealand and represents New Zealand in several international Earth Observation forums.
His presentation will cover the usage of satellite data for agriculture, forestry and humanitarian rescue and an overview of Christchurch space innovation activities.
At this one-day event, similar to a mini-trade show, companies will exhibit agri-innovation and technology. Individual product developers from each of the supporting companies will also give talks on the “concept to creation” pathway.
The seminars will present the audience with issues, or loss of efficiencies, in the agri-sector that needed solving, and the necessary developments to produce solutions.
Flight Simulator Experience, Tuesday, 25 May, 1 – 3:00PM and Thursday 27, 1 – 3:00PM
The New Zealand International Commercial Pilot Academy (NZICPA) uses state-of-the-art flight simulation technology and at this event, Techweek attendees can experience this for themselves.
NZICPA has a history of successfully training professional and recreational pilots, directly in response to the changing demands of the industry.
This event invites people to experience NZICPA’s technology for themselves. There are four flight simulators and the academy is opening its doors to members of the public who wish to experience virtual flight. Sessions are typically around 10 minutes long.
Proaxiom is passionate about creating a world where manual processes are a thing of the past. At this event, Proaxiom will host a 30-minute industry tour with local staff in Whanganui. This event welcomes the public to find out more about what Proaxiom does.
Attendees will take a tour through Proaxiom’s facility, chat to developers, engineers and project managers and finish up with a Q& A discussion over coffee.
Library TechZone, 11am – 12pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, May 24-27
This event at Whanganui District Library will involve a demonstration of coding using Makey, Raspberry Pi and Ozobot devices.
Participants will discover how to make a musical keyboard out of random objects; control robots using colour coding, and play Pixel Pairs. This event will show how coding can be fun, and it’s not just for kids.
This event helps people understand how to get free access to books, movies, audiobooks, magazines and newspapers through library apps at Whanganui District Library.
Library memberships include free access to online services, all accessible through a computer, tablet or smartphone, but not all cardholders are confident in using this service.
This event will outline Kanopy, which is available for critically-acclaimed movies, inspiring documentaries, award-winning foreign films and more. PressReader, which provides access to more than 6000 newspapers and magazines, and ePukapuka, for eBooks, audiobooks and magazines, fiction and non-fiction online.
From phonebooks to microfilm scanners – a hands-on demonstration of the technology used to research local heritage, history and whakapapa.
This demonstration at the Alexander Heritage and Research Library explores everything from searching phonebooks and card indexes to using the latest microfilm scanner technology.
Included in the demonstration is the use of HD microfilm scanner, microfiche reader, index cards, heritage collection items, online resources and digitised material.
This day-long workshop will examine an object of technology from different standpoints, focusing on how it is used in artistic creation.
As their complexity increases, the objects of technology that we use every day become more and more mystifying to the average user.
Most of us are able to competently operate our cell phones or computers, however few are able to confidently explain how or why a given piece of technology works.
In this workshop, an item of technology will be presented and analysed from various angles, including technical, artistic, sociological, philosophical and cultural contexts.
With a focus on the intersection of technology and art, the guest presenter is an arts practitioner who utilises the object in their art practice.
If you are interested in attending these events, visit Techweek NZ: A festival of innovation. Not all events require registration but spaces are limited for some. There are also events happening all around the country which you can join online through Techweek NZ.
The first round of event submissions has closed but there’s still an opportunity to register an event with a second round of submissions due to be completed by April 23.
Register to gain access to the Discover Whanganui resource hub.