International engagements lead to enrolments
Japanese education providers and students are booking Whanganui visits following successful international education engagements with local secondary schools.
Build your business in New Zealand's UNESCO City of Design. A central location, healthy economy, developed infrastructure and low operating costs make us a destination of choice for businesses large and small. We have a culture supportive of innovation and a proactive economic development agency, Whanganui & Partners.
+0.6% in 2024
+1.1% in 2023
We can help your business launch, adapt, grow or move. We offer support for event organisers, agribusiness and people working in the creative sector. We help businesses be innovative and technologically adept and we unlock opportunities.
Our Business Growth Advisor is here to connect you with the recommendations and resources your business needs to get off to the right start.
We believe planning for growth, managing challenges and developing new ideas are critical to success.
We’ve developed a business-friendly process that makes it simple to get established in Whanganui. We help big companies and small businesses with ongoing support.
We know events are important to the vibrant lifestyle our community enjoys and we see supporting and creating events as an essential service to provide.
Supporting Whanganui's creative sector is important to us and contributes to our city's well-being. Creativity is at the heart of our City of Design.
Whanganui is your perfect destination for filming. We have a Regional Film Office experienced in supporting international productions and invested in growing our local industry.
We’re home to world-leading businesses, innovative design companies, a renowned creative industry and a host of ‘firsts' and ‘onlys'.
Whanganui was one of the first cities in New Zealand to roll out ultra-fast broadband and we’ve remained at the forefront of digital developments: in 2018, an international think tank ranked Whanganui the best small smart city in the world.
Economists highlight the diversity of Whanganui's economy, which is known for innovative and niche businesses. We welcome and support business growth and we are interested in innovation and aspirational ideas.
Consents and compliance processes are efficient in Whanganui. Thanks to a productive and forward-thinking council, systems are in place to resolve compliance issues quickly and simply.
Whanganui has a proud history of entrepreneurship and a loyal local base who understand the importance of supporting small business and business growth.
Pacific Helmets, Q-West boatbuilders and Wight Aluminium are three local companies which epitomise the values of the local business community; driven by excellence, forward thinking, innovative and committed to their communities.
Our relationships form an intrinsic part of our culture and how we work as an organisation. Along with our partners, we help with the facilitation of guidance or expertise. We lead in consultation with a range of partners and stakeholders and work with them to realise the full potential of Whanganui.
Our partnerships lead to better outcomes for our businesses and community.
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