International engagements lead to enrolments
Japanese education providers and students are booking Whanganui visits following successful international education engagements with local secondary schools.
Public Forum insights reflect a resilient economy and outline the importance of lifestyle strengths supporting economic growth
Whangaui & Partners delivered its Public Forum online in September and enjoyed the opportunity to offer economic insights at a time when so many businesses face challenges related to lockdown periods.
Board Chair Pahia Turia and Acting Chief Executive Jonathan Sykes outlined the strengths of our local economy and gave details around Whanganui & Partners’ activities to support growth and innovation. You can watch a recording of the forum here.
Economist Cameron Bagrie was impressed by the strength of Whanganui’s manufacturing and design, and our advantageous infrastructure. Cameron said Whanganui’s reputation as an affordable place to relocate to was a drawcard for new businesses, while educational opportunities and lifestyle strengths needed to be prioritised in order to support growth.
By bringing Cameron to Whanganui, the economic development agency was able to have him present to Whanganui District Council councillors and Mayor Hamish McDouall, and to have him meet with local media to give the wider community a perspective on Whanganui’s economy. You can read the Whanganui Chronicle story here.
Independent economist Cameron Bagrie visited Tu Pūwaha Whanganui Port revitalisation project
Tim Easton, Whanganui & Partners Strategic Lead – Business, discussed the region’s infrastructure strengths with Bagrie.
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