Join our free family business workshop

Managing the trickiest parts of a family business.

Being part of a family-owned business is both rewarding and challenging. When managed well, the benefits to everyone are amazing – when done poorly it can wreak havoc with the family and the business.


Tuesday, June 25, 4:30pm
The Backhouse, 28 Taupō Quay, Whanganui

Interpersonal dynamics in family businesses can be complicated. Especially around discussions on succession, compensation, and the performance of family members. Jealousy and feelings of unfairness can wreck these discussions. Tuesday, June 25 The Backhouse Taupō Quay

And that’s where Family Business Central works with families to ensure both the family and the business thrive and grow. Conflict is managed and relationships are strengthened.

Can you see some of the following challenges in your own family business:

  • Family members with conflicting agendas?
  • A lack of clear leadership and ownership succession?
  • Disparity in remuneration for family members that may seem unfair?
  • Lack of clarity on roles – who’s responsible for what?
  • The younger generation being given space to grow and develop?
  • The current generation worried about ‘being put out to pasture’ and having nothing to do?

The people relationship experts at Family Business Central, Phil Pryor and Bob Selden specialise in working with family businesses to develop the skills, systems and structures to grow and build lasting family businesses, where both the family and the business support each other into a long-term future. The Family Business Central team, including new Whanganui-based advisor, Robert Ervine, love seeing families be the best they can be – as they often say, “It’s a privilege and honour to be invited into families and to work with these great people”.

Come along – bring the entire family – to our afternoon session on Tuesday, 25th June to get an understanding of how your family can grow their family and business capital with the Family Business Central team.

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